
UDK: 624.072.2001.8:69.009.182
DOI: n/a

Published: Građevinar 58 (2006) 9
Paper type: Subject review
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Analysis of castellated beams according to Eurocode 3

Ivica Džeba, Boris Androić, Višnja Tkalčević


The use of castellated beams instead of solid web beams for large spans is considered. Some recent studies are presented, and conditions under which such structural elements can prove defective are proposed. The analysis of such beams according to Eurocode 3 is presented in the paper, and the results obtained are compared with the DIN standard, which is used in our country. Taking note of appropriate parametric analyses, the authors point to the area in which castellated beams can be economical, because of their relative slenderness and span sizes.

analysis, design, Eurocode 3, castellated beam, bending resistance, DIN standard


Džeba, I., Androić, B., Tkalčević, V.: Analysis of castellated beams according to Eurocode 3, GRAĐEVINAR, 58 (2006) 9


Džeba, I., Androić, B., Tkalčević, V. (2006). Analysis of castellated beams according to Eurocode 3, GRAĐEVINAR, 58 (9)
Džeba Ivica WEB
Ivica Džeba
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering
Androic WEB
Boris Androić
I.A. projektiranje d.o.o., Zagreb
Croatian Academy of Engineering

Višnja Tkalčević
University of Zagreb,
Faculty of Civil Engineering