
UDK: UDK 625.144.001.42:656.22

Published: Građevinar 65 (2013) 2
Paper type: Subject review
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Track properties for formation of pick-up trains

Ivan Belošević, Sanjin Milinković, Milana Kosijer, Norbert Pavlović, Miloš Ivić


The problem of tracks for formation of pick-up trains, with the analysis and proposal of possible solutions, is considered in the paper. Proposed solutions are derived from the results of simulations, which are based on the information obtained from the Belgrade and Lapovo marshalling yards. it was established that processes realized in these train stations are discrete with stochastic elements, and so the simulation models selected for solving this problem have been adapted accordingly, and have proven to be implementable and efficient. The results obtained show that the current practice in solving this issue has not been appropriate, that it does not provide good results and, hence, that it has to be changed.

technical cargo stations; Pick-up train formation methods; number and length of tracks


Belošević, I., Milinković, S., Kosijer, M., Pavlović, N., , M. I.: Track properties for formation of pick-up trains, GRAĐEVINAR, 65 (2013) 2, doi:


Belošević, I., Milinković, S., Kosijer, M., Pavlović, N., , M. I. (2013). Track properties for formation of pick-up trains, GRAĐEVINAR, 65 (2), doi:


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Belošević Ivan
Ivan Belošević
University of Belgrade,
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
Milinković Sanjin WEB
Sanjin Milinković
University of Belgrade,
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
Kosijer Milana WEB
Milana Kosijer
University of Belgrad,
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
Pavlović Norbert WEB
Norbert Pavlović
University of Belgrade,
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
Ivić Miloš WEB
Miloš Ivić
University of Belgrade,
Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering